Sunday, January 29, 2023

Her Dangerous Truth - Beverly Long (HRS #2194 - Aug 2022)

Series: Heroes of the Pacific Northwest (Book 3)
She's living a lie
…to stay alive
Running for her life, scientist Layla Morant­­ -- aka Regan Jones­­­ -- thinks her perfectly crafted secret is safe­...until Dr. Jamie Weathers arrives on the scene of her car crash. Badly injured, Layla must tell lie after lie to the handsome local hero who only wants to protect her. Can she trust him with the truth? Or will divulging her secret prove deadly to him, too?

Terrific conclusion to the series. Layla has been waiting and preparing for this day. Almost two years earlier, she had provided the testimony that sent Douglas Glass to prison for fraud. He made it clear to her that he would kill her when he got out of prison, but nobody believed her. So she prepared to run with a new identity and everything else she'd need. When she received word that he'd been released early, she knew it was time to go. She didn't expect to be involved in a car accident.
When Jamie got the call about the accident on a rainy night, as the doctor on call, he took the mobile unit to the site of the crash. Something about the beautiful woman gets under his skin, and he feels an instant connection with her. Though he gives all of his patients his best attention, this one compels him to do more.
I enjoyed watching the relationship between Jamie and Layla develop. The connection and sparks between them are immediate, but Layla knows better than to give in to them. She has to disappear. I loved seeing Jamie find it impossible to stay away from Layla. His late-night Thanksgiving feast with her in the hospital was sweet as he tried to get to know her. When Layla disappeared from the hospital, Jamie was determined to find her for medical and personal reasons. His friend and police chief, Marcus, joins him in unraveling the mystery surrounding her. What he learns makes him more determined.
I understood Layla's fear and reluctance to trust anyone (especially Marcus). Her escape is complicated by issues caused by her injuries. I loved her persistence and ingenuity in finding a hideout where she could heal. She didn't count on Jamie's tenacity and was stunned when he found her but also grateful for his medical expertise. I loved seeing them grow closer as they got to know each other. Jamie falls hard for her and Layla for him, but her fears make her ready to run as soon as possible. I ached for Jamie when she pushed him away and loved how he refused to give up. The epilogue was a great wrap-up for the book and series.
The suspense was excellent. There are several sections told from Glass's point of view, showing his ruthless determination to carry out his promise. Meanwhile, we follow along with Layla's attempt to disappear while simultaneously seeing Glass's progress tracking her down. The suspense kept me glued to the pages as Glass closed in on Layla. The final confrontation was a nail-biter with a twist I didn't see coming.

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