Thursday, March 23, 2023

Catching the Carling Lake Killer - K.D. Richards (HI #2137 - Apr 2023)

Series: West Investigations (Book 6)
She's kept her secret for years…
But now a killer knows.
Journalist Simone Jarrett and Carling Lake sheriff Lance Webb have kept their casual affair clandestine to avoid gossip. But as his feelings for Simone deepen, Lance is troubled by the knowledge that she's hiding something. Then, after twenty years, the Card Killer strikes again. And Simone's secret puts her in the killer's sights. Now the two must team up to find the murderer…and save Simone's life.

Terrific addition to the West Investigations series. In this book, we return to Carling Lake, the scene of the previous two books in the series. Here we learn more about Sheriff Lance Webb, a critical player in Dark Water Disappearance. We also get to know Simone, a reporter for the local paper.
The book opens with a prologue that takes place twenty years earlier. Twelve-year-old Simone witnesses a serial killer's attack, but her mother doesn't believe her, and they move away shortly after that. But Simone has been haunted by what she saw, and as the twentieth anniversary of that and two other murders draws close, Simone returns to Carling Lake. She is determined to raise awareness of the victims, hoping that someone will come forward with a clue. She never expected the Card Killer to strike again.
Lance and Simone have been seeing each other secretly for several months. At first, it was just casual, with neither interested in anything permanent. There was also the potential conflict of interest in a sheriff/reporter relationship. But as time passed, their feelings for each other deepened though neither said as much. When another Card Killer murder happens after a twenty-year hiatus, Lance suspects Simone is hiding something that may be related. I loved his protectiveness and understanding that helped her open up to him about what she had seen.
I liked watching their relationship develop from casual to something deeper. Beyond their undeniable chemistry is a deep-seated respect for each other's profession. That doesn't mean they don't occasionally butt heads. Simone's tenaciousness sometimes puts her in direct opposition to Lance's job as sheriff, such as her spying on the crime scene. It also means that they can make a good team. Despite his frequent frustration with her, there is no denying that Lance wants more. I loved seeing him show Simone that he's ready to bring their relationship into the light, but they must keep her alive to do it. The ending was terrific as they were finally free to follow their hearts.
The suspense kept me glued to the pages from start to finish. I could feel Simone's fear in the prologue and her determination to right her mistake as an adult. The first of the new murders preceded a series of threats against Simone, who realized that the killer knew who she was. I loved her determination to continue her investigation and had to laugh at her ultimatum to Lance - they could work together, or she would continue on her own. He wanted to keep her close and safe. Their pursuit of information on the new and old victims and whether there were connections between them was fascinating to follow. Just when I thought I knew who it was, the author threw in a twist that upended everything. The final confrontation was a nail-biter and had me on the edge of my seat until it was over.
James West has a small part in this book, as he and Erika protect Simone when Lance can't be with her. I liked the friendship that grew between Simone and Erika and how James provides the security that gives Lance peace of mind. 

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