Thursday, September 21, 2023

Love at First Bark - Michelle Major (HSE #3010 - Oct 2023)

Series: Crimson Colorado (Book 12)
Sometimes love happens in the most re-bark-able way.
Cassie Raebourn's love life has gone to the dogs -- literally. A childhood trauma inspired her career as a veterinarian where she indulges her special fondness for dogs. Then, Aiden Riley unexpectedly walks into her clinic and steals her heart. The reckless rodeo star was at the center of the trauma all those years ago. Cassie knows Aiden feels the attraction too. Can they bury the past and find the courage to let each other in?

The story opens with a heartbreaking scene involving Cassie and Aiden as children. The events of that day affected each differently as they grew into adulthood. Aiden and his mother and sister left Crimson right after this, escaping from an abusive situation.
Twenty years later, Cassie is a veterinarian filling in at the same vet's office where she volunteered as a child, hoping to be hired permanently. She's surprised when Aiden arrives with his nephew, George, who has found an injured puppy. Cassie immediately takes care of the pup, which gets her in trouble with the other vet. Some antagonistic sparks are flying between Aiden and Cassie, as he insists they are not keeping the dog while Cassie treats the situation like they are. But under the antagonism are sparks of another sort.
Cassie has been an animal lover all her life. It shows in her menagerie at home and how she connects with the animals and their owners at work. She gives her all to her work to the detriment of her personal life. Her sunny personality covers some painful memories that affect how she approaches relationships.
Because of the abuse he suffered as a child, Aiden has closed off his heart and feelings to everyone except his sister and nephew. He is in town for a short time to help them after the death of his sister's husband. He does not intend to stay long in a town with so many bad memories.
I enjoyed watching the relationship between Cassie and Aiden develop. Though they try to avoid each other and the sparks that fly between them, circumstances keep throwing them together. Cassie's sunny personality soon finds its way into the dark corners of Aiden's heart. I enjoyed seeing them spend time together, whether dealing with dogs or hiking local trails. Giving into their attraction brings them closer, but while Cassie is ready for more, Aiden can't let go of his need to protect himself. It takes the thought of losing her for him to finally let go of his fears and let her in. Cassie also has to overcome her insecurities and, in doing so, finds a future she hadn't expected.
The epilogue was terrific. I enjoyed seeing what a difference love has made in their lives.
I liked the scenes showing Cassie in her work as a vet. Her care and compassion make a big difference in the lives of the pets and owners she interacts with. I detested the vet she was working with - the same vet who Aiden dealt with twenty years ago. He is heartless and has no business being a vet. His constant denigration of Cassie was infuriating. The vet she was filling in for was her mentor as a child. I expected better of him in his dealings with Cassie. He came through in the end but should have been more supportive earlier.

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