Monday, May 15, 2023

Second Chance Hawaiian Honeymoon - Cara Colter (HR #4857 - June 2022)

Series: Blossom and Bliss Weddings (Book 1)
A wedding on the rocks
Healed in Hawaii?
After despairingly fleeing her wedding to billionaire Joe, Blossom goes on their honeymoon alone to reconsider their relationship. Only, Joe has the same idea, and they wind up there together! This unexpected reunion forces them to face what they were running from, and they start to enjoy too many sleepless nights. Maybe a honeymoon before saying “I do” is the second chance they never saw coming?

Good second chance love story set on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii. Blossom calls off her wedding to billionaire Joe two weeks before the event. Brokenhearted, she heads to Hawaii and the house where they would have had their honeymoon. She needs to clear her head and figure out her future, and she can't do it back in Vancouver, where memories surround her. She is only there for a couple of hours when she thinks she hears an intruder, only to discover that Joe had the same idea. How can they get over their breakup while living in the same house?
Honestly, I spent the first part of the book disliking Blossom. Her freak-out at their lunch together was uncalled for, and she never let poor Joe get a word in edgewise before storming out. Even her sister accused her of being a bridezilla. Even worse, she was a complete fraud. She did everything she could to become the person she thought suited Joe best rather than being herself. She went along with anything he wanted without expressing her opinions or desires and dressed like her more fashionable sister. That started with Bliss telling her she needed to dress better to be around him, but the rest was all Blossom.
I liked Joe. He had his faults, but at heart, he was a nice guy. He enjoyed showing Blossom a good time and didn't have to worry about its cost. Right before his lunch with Blossom, Joe learned some devastating news, so he was in no shape to deal with her theatrics. I ached for him and the confusion and heartache he felt.
The worst part was they were still in love with each other. Blossom had called things off solely because of her perceptions and insecurities but blamed it all on Joe. She realizes she was likely wrong but is too stubborn and certain that it is too late to do anything about it. Between Joe's heartbreak and his fears regarding his father, he isn't sure whether he should try to talk to Blossom.
Things began to look up when they ended up in their honeymoon location together. After a rough start, they began to spend time together. Now that the wedding is off, Blossom starts showing the real her in her interactions with Joe. There had been glimpses of that Blossom when they were together, and that was the woman Joe fell in love with. I liked the bargain they made about spending time together. It was fun to see billionaire Joe shopping in a discount store with Blossom and the eye-opening experience it was for him. I was happy to see them finally talking to each other and realizing the mistakes they made in the past. There were plenty of sweet scenes of them together around the island.
But there was one secret Joe kept from Blossom, and when it came out, it destroyed Blossom's hard-won trust. I understood Joe's reasons for doing it and Blossom's determination not to let him. It takes some soul-searching by both to realize the truth of what they want and need. I loved Joe's big moment, which was incredibly emotional and exactly what Blossom needed to hear. His gift to her was the icing on the cake and showed how well he's come to know her. The ending was terrific and provided a hint of what is to come in Bliss's story.
I loved the setting of the Big Island and the lush descriptions of the places Blossom and Joe visited. My favorite was the swim with the mantas and its effect on Joe and Blossom. The descriptions brought back memories of my visit there many years ago.

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