Sunday, May 7, 2023

Undercover Cowboy Defender - Linda O. Johnston (HRS #2222 - Mar 2023)

Series: Shelter of Secrets (Book 3)
She was desperate for protection.
Could she trust a man with her secret?
K-9 cop Mark Martin's undercover assignment was to ensure security for an animal shelter, not fall for the new employee. But the shelter was a front to hide people in danger, and Luca and her young son certainly needed his help. With his connections, Mark confirmed the man stalking Luca was on the loose. How can the cowboy truly protect Luca without revealing his true identity…or his true feelings?
Good book. I have enjoyed this series that spotlights a shelter for people in trouble disguised as an animal shelter. The director (Scott) is an undercover police officer, the managers are former residents or trained professionals, and the workers are those under the shelter's protection. It is also a working animal shelter, where the workers care for and train the animals in preparation for adoption.
Luca, whose real name is Cathleen, came to the shelter with her four-year-old son to escape a stalker. After the death of her policeman husband, his partner became overly attentive, despite her objections. She also began to suspect he was responsible for her husband's death, not an unknown criminal. I could feel her nervousness as she waited to find out if the shelter would accept her. Her first meeting is with a man named Mark and his dog Rocky.
Mark is supposedly another shelter resident but is another undercover cop. His job is to investigate if a possible leak in the shelter exposes what they are. On this day, Scott asks him to talk to Luca and decide if she is a legitimate petitioner or someone with a hidden agenda. Mark is immediately taken with Luca and her son, believing they are genuinely in danger. He's surprised by the strength of his need to protect her.
Most of the book is taken up with Mark helping Luca and Nicky settle into life in the shelter. He introduces them to other residents, encourages Nicky to help with the "doggies," and fights his desire to be with them all the time. Luca finds it easy to trust Mark and is worried about her growing dependence on his presence in her life. Both know that when the time is right, Luca and Nicky will move on to a new life while Mark remains in Chance. Mark and Luca grew closer as the days progressed, with their simmering attraction getting stronger. It was sweet to see how Mark connected with little Nicky and the thoughts of family that seeped into Mark's mind and heart. But when everything is over, will there be a way for them all to be together? I loved the solution that Mark devised.
The suspense of the story was good. Her husband's partner is stalking Luca, but no one believes her when she complains about his actions. The police chief in her old town is far too willing to take his officer's word over the "hysterically grieving" widow. Meanwhile, Luca continues to receive emailed threats. Fortunately for her, Scott and Mark do believe her. I liked how Scott and Mark used their connections with the Chance PD to check on the stalker's actions and whereabouts. But another threat and the stalker's disappearance puts everyone on alert. I liked seeing Luca take control of her future and insist on being part of taking him down. The final confrontation was a nail-biter as the stalker was more devious than expected. I loved seeing Luca stay calm and focused, playing a big part in her rescue. I loved how Mark and Rocky were there at the right time to finish the job.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book, but a few things made me go, "Hmmm." First, little Nicky never had trouble remembering his "new" name. He's only four - realistically, there should have been a few slip-ups. Second, Luca is a new staffer, but we never saw her do any training or work. At most, she was around while Nicky helped others with the dogs. I was also puzzled by how easily Mark could leave the shelter, considering how secure it was supposed to be. However, none of it diminished my enjoyment of the story.

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