Monday, April 17, 2023

Angela's Protector - Regan Black, Janie Crouch (Calamitte Jane Pub - Apr 2023)

Series: Never Too Late for Love: Ellington Cove (Book 2)
Angela Mixon never thought she’d find herself starting over at 50 years old, but if she has to do it, working on an island paradise seems like a great choice.
She’s ready to focus on her role as Ellington Cove’s head of human resources and take time to re-center after escaping an impossible personal situation. A chance to finally find some peace.
Until a disgruntled employee targets her in a murderous rage.
Retired SEAL Nick Walters took the Ellington Cove security team job as a chance to reset and figure out what he was going to do with the second half of his life. He’s used to being alone, and no need to try to teach this old dog new tricks—solitary is how he operates.
Except that the island’s prim new executive has caught his attention in ways he never expected. She’s feeling vulnerable about the changes age has brought on her body, but that’s not a turn-off to him at all. The opposite in fact.
And when Angela finds herself in danger’s path, Nick steps up as her self-appointed bodyguard—determined to protect her, no matter the cost.
Neither of them came to the island expecting to find someone perfect for them. They thought it was too late.
But it’s never too late for love.

Short and sweet addition to the Never Too Late for Love: Ellington Cove series of books. I love seeing a series that spotlights older characters who are past the stage of unnecessary drama and know what they want. The romance between Nick and Angela is sweet with just the right amount of spice, and the danger to Angela kick-starts their relationship.
Angela is the new HR person at the Ellington Cove Resort. She took the job to restart her life after escaping a bad relationship and leaving behind the people who should have supported her and didn't. At fifty, she feels a little old to be starting over but is determined to live life on her own terms. She enjoys her new job and has an active social life with the friends she has made. The only thing that unsettles her is her attraction to security team member Nick.
Nick is a former SEAL, one of three who provide security for the resort. After leaving the Navy, he was uncertain about what he wanted to do. After trying several things, he was more than happy to accept Guardian Security's offer to join the Ellington Cove team. He's bonded well with his teammates but misses feminine companionship. He's tried a dating app but has yet to find what he's looking for there. The only woman who has caught his interest is the beautiful and sexy Angela.
As the book opens, Nick is a backup while Angela fires a problem employee. When the interview gets violent, Nick steps in. Nick is naturally protective, but even more so when it comes to Angela. I could feel his anger at Kent's actions and his concern about Angela's safety. Seeing the two after he returned to check on her was sweet. Both are clearly interested in each other, but Angela doesn't have the confidence to make a move, and Nick is trying to get up the courage to ask her out. He's just worked up that courage by the end of the work day, but his plans are interrupted when he finds her beside her vandalized car. I loved watching him care for her through the aftermath and finally get around to his question. There is a little insecurity there as he realizes his timing might not be the best, I liked how their evening went, and it bodes well for their relationship.
When unexplained things happen at the resort and to Angela, Nick appoints himself as her bodyguard. Spending so much time with her allows him to get to know her. I loved the dinner when he confessed to having been smitten with her since they met. That's a lovely and descriptive word that perfectly describes his feelings. Nick's admiration and obvious interest give Angela the confidence to go after what she wants - him. I loved watching their feelings grow stronger as the days went on. Each hesitates to declare their love, fearing it's too soon, but that all changes when they nearly lose each other. I loved the little twist at the end when they finally let go of those fears.
The suspense of the story also kept me hooked from start to finish. The out-of-control ex-employee was vocal in his intention to get even with Angela. The escalating series of attacks showed Angela was in danger, and Nick was determined to protect her. I could feel the team's frustration as Kent continued to evade their attempts to catch him. I loved their teamwork and support for each other. The intensity ramped up as they got a break and started to close in. The final confrontation was a nail-biter, and I loved Angela's cool-headed actions and her confidence that Nick would be there.
The epilogue was fantastic. I loved the wedding setting and seeing more of Gabby and Tony, and I can't wait to get to know them in the next book. 

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