Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Saved by the Texas Cowboy - Karen Whiddon (HRS #2228 - May 2023)

His return means a second chance
Or a threat to her life…
Marissa Noll has built a good life for herself since Jared Miller left her for the rodeo circuit. When he returns to their hometown injured from a bad bull ride, her desire for him sparks back to life -- and she realizes that she's being stalked. Is the timing just a coincidence, or is she a fool to trust a man who's already hurt her once?

Good second chance love story mixed with an engaging suspense plot. Marissa and Jared were a couple throughout high school and college until Jared decided to quit school and join the rodeo circuit. He was hurt and angry that she wouldn't drop everything and go with him. Marissa was heartbroken when he left despite their plans for the future. She pulled herself together, finished school, and started her physical therapy business in their hometown. Five years later, she has a successful business and is dating the local veterinarian. She's shocked when Jared shows up at her office, needing physical therapy for a bull-riding injury and expecting to be friends.
After five years on the circuit, Jared is ready to come home. He's shocked at the condition of his father's ranch and heartbroken at the changes he sees in his father, who has early-onset dementia. He looks forward to seeing Marissa again and is surprised at the cold reception he gets.
I enjoyed seeing the rekindling of the relationship between Marissa and Jared. Each believes they have moved past their broken relationship - until they see each other again. Both are surprised by the resurgence of their old attraction. It doesn't take long for Jared to realize that his feelings for Marissa have never disappeared, and he wants her back in his life. He also knows he has a long way to go to regain her trust. Marissa also realizes that she still loves Jared but is wary of risking her heart again on someone who could leave her behind again.
Complicating matters, Marissa has a boyfriend she has been dating for several months. David is a nice but very busy man, so they don't see as much of each other as they could. It doesn't take Marissa long to realize that what she feels for David is a pale imitation of her feelings for Jared, and she knows she must end things with him.
Adding to Marissa's troubles, she realizes she is being stalked. At first, it felt like being watched, but then matters escalated. She received a threatening note attached to a brick thrown through her window, a hit-and-run driver t-boned her car, and her home was torched. Jared's protective instincts are aroused despite Marissa's insistence that she can take care of herself. I loved that Jared was there to support her, even when she tried to resist him. As the attacks increased in intensity, I had a couple of suspects in mind, and I was happy to see that my top suspect was the guilty party. The final confrontation was a nail-biter with an unexpected resolution.
I enjoyed seeing Jared and Marissa grow closer and look at ways to make both of their dreams come true. Marissa is finally starting to trust Jared again when he receives an unexpected offer. Marissa immediately concludes that he will bail on her again without giving him a chance to talk it over with her. I wanted to shake her for her lack of confidence in him and his feelings for her. Jared knows he needs to do something to show her the truth and comes up with an over-the-top demonstration of his feelings and intentions. 

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