Thursday, April 27, 2023

Ozarks Missing Person - Maggie Wells (HI #2143 - May 2023)

Series: Arkansas Special Agents (Book 1)
A woman's disappearance
Leads to a mysterious but powerful family
The disappearance of his sister has filled prosecuting attorney Matthew Murray with guilt over their estrangement. Then she's found dead and special agent Grace Reed's inquiries expose a politically influential family. Joining Grace in her investigation, Matthew must choose between his political ambitions and his desire for justice. But Grace's fearlessness and resistance to intimidation inspire admiration -- and more -- in Matthew.

Good book that kept me hooked from start to finish. This was a book that focused more on personalities and attitudes than on action to bring about the resolution to this investigation. The prologue sets the scenario that brings Special Agent Grace and prosecuting attorney Matthew together.
Grace has become her office's go-to on missing person cases. She is thorough and determined and tends to take the cases personally. As the book opens, she's working on a case involving a missing child about to be moved to a different office. She gets a call about a missing young woman, Mallory Murray, and through her interview with Mallory's roommate, learns of her brother's existence. She tracks him down to inform him about Mallory's disappearance.
Matthew is six years older than Mallory, and they have never been close. Mallory grew up never satisfied with her life and believed she deserved more, and her constant demands of Matthew caused a rift between them. When Grace informs him of Mallory's disappearance, he feels guilty about the estrangement, even more so when they find her body. He feels compelled to stay involved in the investigation into her death.
I loved the teamwork that developed between Grace and Matthew. They had the perfect pairing of experience to go up against the power and privilege they ran into. I liked Grace's empathy for Matthew and the emotional rollercoaster he was on during their investigation. It's easy to see that they are growing closer, but no apparent sparks are flying, just an increasing feeling that there could be. They maintain their professionalism throughout the book, and it isn't until the end that they admit their interest in each other. I hope to see more of them in the following books.
The suspense of the story was excellent. From the prologue's allowing the reader to "witness" the murder to the twists and turns of the investigation, I was glued to the pages as Grace and Matthew searched for the truth. I was initially concerned about Matthew's concern about offending the Powers family, but his desire for justice won out. I could feel Grace's frustration at their stonewalling and loved her poise during her meetings with them. Several twists kept me guessing whether they would get the break they needed, and I did not expect the one that did it. I was a little disappointed at the lack of a definitive ending, but with a powerful family, it makes sense that it may take several books to resolve the issues. I can't wait for the next book!

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