Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Ilsa's Protector - Regan Black, Janie Crouch (Calamitte Jane Pub - July 2023)

Series: Never Too Late for Love: Ellington Cove (Book 6)
After ten years as an Army medic, Max Crosby became a bodyguard to stay closer to his family. As a personal protector, there are fewer medical crises, but plenty of challenges and surprises.
The latest surprise? Ilsa Lambert, the curvy Ellington Cove wedding planner with the perpetual smile who handles event details with military precision.
Ilsa is passionate about creating memorable events for her clients, giving them a romantic foundation for lasting happiness. The work fuels her, especially when family drama made her personal happily ever after impossible.
And that drama, in the form of her cousin, is back for another round.
Ilsa keeps her personal life away from her professional endeavors, but her cousin won’t be deterred. Ilsa needs protection between crashing a wedding and his attempts to break into her house.
Max might’ve left love and marriage to his siblings, but he won’t sit idle when Ilsa comes under attack. Even if stepping into the breach means getting closer than he should to a woman dedicated to all things romance.
And through it all, they might find that it’s never too late for love.

I loved finally getting Ilsa's story. As the wedding and event planner for the resort, Ilsa is a big part of the Ellington Cove family. She gets great joy and satisfaction from giving couples the weddings of their dreams. However, she's given up on her dreams of romance thanks to multiple losses and family drama, even though her friends keep trying to fix her up. With all of that, she wouldn't mind spending some quality time with the lead bodyguard of her latest client.
Max is a former army medic turned bodyguard, a job he's done for many years. He's feeling a bit burned out - tired of the constant travel and the frequent drama. He's ready to move on to the next phase of his life, whatever it may be. As he finishes his current job, he is drawn to the wedding planner, whose sunny nature and romantic optimism soothe the cynic in him.
The sparks between Max and Ilsa are evident from the beginning. Ilsa tries to ignore them, preferring to keep things professional with her client's bodyguard. She also avoids romantic entanglements because her cousin Jacob is known for interfering with anything good for Ilsa. The backstory of Ilsa's life and the trouble Jacob causes her was heartbreaking and made me root for a happy ending for her even more. Max can't help his fascination and witnesses Jacob's attack on her.
Max recognizes a potential threat and decides to stick around Key West and watch out for Ilsa while getting to know her better. Ilsa hates the idea of causing trouble for anyone, but between the earlier confrontation and the escalating attacks on her, she realizes she needs help.
I enjoyed watching the relationship develop between Ilsa and Max. Neither is looking for a relationship, believing love is not for them. Max thought the time for love had passed him by, but the more time he spends with Ilsa, the more he rethinks his position. I loved his protectiveness, kindness, and the romanticism that emerged as he spent time with her. I especially loved that he told her how special, beautiful, sweet, and talented she was. While Ilsa has great self-confidence regarding her work, some underlying self-esteem issues make it hard for her to believe Max could genuinely be interested in her. I loved seeing him get past her walls. I loved the ending and seeing Max overcome Ilsa's fears to give them the future they both want. The hospital scene at the end was terrific.
The story's suspense was outstanding and kept me glued to the pages from start to finish. We meet Ilsa's cousin Jacob early and discover how much trouble he is. Though she hates feeling like she's causing problems, Ilsa quickly realizes that she needs help to deal with him. Max is the first line of defense, and I loved his determination to keep her safe. Ilsa is also an essential part of the Ellington Cove family, and I loved seeing her friends rally around her. I could feel everyone's frustration as Jacob eluded their searches, and the tension built as they waited for him to make another move. The final confrontation and its aftermath was a nail-biter but very satisfying.
The epilogue was fantastic. Ilsa has the love she's always wanted, a new family to be a part of, and a future that looks brighter than she could have ever imagined.
I can't end the review without mentioning Ilsa's dog, Annie. Her sweetness, gentleness, and sheer lovableness remind me of my daughter's three pibbles. I could easily picture her from the descriptions. She is an integral part of Ilsa's life, and I loved how Annie and Max bonded. I enjoyed seeing how Ilsa's friends were also big Annie fans. 

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