Saturday, July 1, 2023

Playing with Danger - Deborah Fletcher Mello (HRS #2236 - July 2023)

Series: Sorority Detectives (Book 1)
Murder on the bayou
…forcing rivals to unite.
When a young woman is found in a Louisiana swamp, police detective King Randolph finds his investigation hindered by private investigator Lenore Martin. He's loath to share this murder investigation with such a problematic person. But despite mutual distrust, they forge a combative alliance. Soon, as more bodies drop, heat rises between the partners. And grave danger threatens from every corner of New Orleans.

This was a gripping, frequently dark suspense story lightened by an often humorous romance.  A serial killer is preying on high school students in New Orleans, and it is Detective King Randolph's job to find out who it is and stop them. King is newly arrived in New Orleans from up North and still getting used to how things are done in the south. And nothing makes that more evident than dealing with the latest victim.
Lenore Martin is a private investigator, the oldest of four daughters, all working for their mother's private investigation company. She is stubborn, controlling, and follows her own set of rules. She is also beautiful, compassionate, and intelligent. As the book opens, a family friend contacts the agency looking for help finding her missing granddaughter. Lenore is at Mama Hattie's when King arrives with the news of the girl's murder.
Lenore and King notice each other, but their time is spent dealing with Mama Hattie and King's news. There is an immediate distrust between them. King doesn't know how to take the "family friend," who seems more interested in the details of the murder than in comforting her friend. Lenore distrusts a member of the police force that too often blows off calls from members of poorer communities. An encounter later that evening adds to King's frustration. His conversation with fellow detectives back at work is eye-opening and makes him realize he will have to find a way to work with her if he's going to get anywhere in his investigation.
I loved seeing these two work together. They start as barely speaking, sharing only the minimum amount of information. Still, as more bodies turn up, their mutual determination to stop the killer makes them more willing to work together. Both are used to being in charge, and learning to share had a steep learning curve. Once they made that decision, there was no stopping them, and I loved watching their fantastic teamwork.
Simmering under the surface of their teamwork is attraction and a fascination with each other. Lenore doesn't trust men, but it isn't long before King slips past her barriers. He is the first man she's encountered who she can respect and isn't driven off by her attitude, bossiness, and volatility. I loved watching King around Lenore. He's equally amused and frustrated by her and wholly fascinated. Even better, he understands her. Their banter was fantastic, often providing a few moments of relief from the darkness they faced during their investigation. They are cautious about getting involved with each other, wary of the intensity of their attraction, but the sparks are impossible to resist. I was impressed by their ability to separate their personal and professional actions. I loved the ending and seeing them able to trust each other with their hearts.
The suspense of this story was outstanding. The intensity of the investigation sucked me in from the first pages, and didn't let go until I finished the book. I could feel Lenore and King's frustration at the beginning as they tried to find the connection between the victims. I liked how they trusted their instincts as little things began to add up. Several twists exposed the likelihood that the case was more complicated and closer to home than expected. The final confrontation was a nail-biter with Lenore in danger and an unraveling that blew me away.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. Lenore's family dynamics are fascinating. The four sisters are very close, with equal parts of support and teasing. Their parents are an intriguing pair. They are divorced but still involved in each other's lives. Claudia doesn't suffer fools gladly and keeps iron control on everything to do with her business, including her daughters. She trusts them, but they have no doubt who is boss. A shocking revelation late in the book gives the girls a new perception of her. Josiah has a background you'll have to experience for yourself. No description here would do him justice. I especially enjoyed seeing King's meeting with Josiah and Claudia.

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