Friday, June 30, 2023

Targeted in Silver Creek - Delores Fossen (HI #2151 - July 2023)

Series: Silver Creek Lawmen: Second Generation (Book 1)
For one Texas lawman
Catching a killer never mattered so much…
Silver Creek lawman Jesse Ryland is not about to let history repeat itself. Although his ex, Hanna Kendrick, survived the shooting that nearly killed her and her unborn child, he knows it also stole all memories of the night they shared. As Hanna continues to be a target, Jesse will do anything to protect her and their baby boy. Because this time, Jesse is playing for keeps.

Terrific start to the new series. Bonus points, too, for this being a next-generation series. I love seeing the characters from the first series (Grayson is ready to retire!) and catching up with their lives. It's great to see their kids continue the law enforcement family tradition.
Jesse is the adopted son of Boone Ryland and has been a deputy with the Silver Creek Sheriff's Department for eight years. The newest challenge for the department is apprehending escaped prisoner Bull Freeman, murderer and member of a terrorist militia. This manhunt is personal for Jesse because Bull shot Jesse's ex and nearly killed her and their unborn son. Hanna survived, but her memories of the time before the shooting are gone - including her night with Jesse. Jesse spends as much time as Hanna will allow with their son and hopes she will eventually see him as more than Evan's father.
Hanna is a strong woman, independent and self-sufficient. She walks a careful line between her body's memories of Jesse and the fact that she no longer knows him. Part of the problem is that her mother has a grudge against the Rylands and does her best to poison Hanna's mind against him. But Hanna's instincts tell her she can trust him, which is a good thing when she learns of Bull's escape. Jesse moves into her house to provide around-the-clock protection until Bull is recaptured.
The suspense of the story is outstanding and full of twists. Someone is out to get Hanna, and suspicion immediately falls on Bull, who supposedly wants to ensure Hanna never remembers what happened that day. Matters take an unexpected turn when Bull contacts Jesse to tell him they all are in danger, and he's about to blow the militia case wide open. Can Bull's bombshell declaration be trusted? As Jesse, Hanna, and Evan hole up in Hanna's house, with plenty of backup from the rest of the department and Jesse's family, steadily intensifying attacks bring other suspects to light. Is the ATF agent, Shaw, on the up and up, or does he have a hidden agenda? Is Bull's sister, Marlene, an innocent victim, or does she know more than she's telling? Even Hanna's mom acts suspiciously.
I was glued to the pages from start to finish as I tried to decide who the real bad guy was. The author does an outstanding job of providing logical motivations and actions and enough doubt to keep me guessing to the end. The final confrontation was a nail-biter and kept me on the edge of my seat as Jesse and Hanna faced off with the person pulling the strings of the militia. The showdown was intense, and the teamwork of Jesse, Hanna, and the other law enforcement ensured a successful outcome.
I enjoyed watching the relationship between Jesse and Hanna develop. We learn early on that their night together was supposed to be a one-and-done, as neither was interested in anything permanent. But a birth control failure resulted in Hanna becoming pregnant. Despite interference from her mother, Hanna keeps Jesse in the loop about her pregnancy. Hanna was in the wrong place at the wrong time, resulting in her injury and subsequent memory loss. That loss has made Hanna wary, but watching Jesse interact with Evan convinces her he is a good man. While Jesse has clearly fallen in love with Hanna, she continues to keep him at arm's length. Jesse doesn't realize that Hanna's attraction to him continues to grow, though she is hesitant to do anything about it. Because they are forced into 24/7 togetherness, Hanna can work through the fears that hold her back. I especially enjoyed the flashes of returning memory and their effect on her feelings for Jesse. I loved the ending and seeing them find their way together at last.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, getting to know more of this generation of Rylands, and seeing more of the original ones.

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