Monday, June 5, 2023

Christmas Reunion in Paris - Liz Fielding (HR #4731 - Oct 2020)

Series: Christmas at the Harrington Park Hotel (Book 1)
A Parisian reunion
With the one that got away!
Celebrity chef James Harrington never expected to find himself face-to-face with Chloe, his first love, again… Especially with her working as a chambermaid at his luxury hotel! Their chemistry's as strong as ever, but it's clear she's hiding a secret. This Christmas, can James convince Chloe that their love is worth taking a chance on -- again?

Good second chance story. James and Chloe were boarding school/high school sweethearts who were separated thanks to parental interference. Chloe's wealthy parents didn't think James met their standards and, combined with other reasons, pulled her from school without allowing her to see him again.
Ten years later, Chloe has broken with her parents and is living life on her terms. While saving every penny to finance her dream, Chloe works multiple jobs, including as a chambermaid at a luxury Paris hotel. She's shocked when the room's inhabitant shows up, and it's her old boyfriend, James! Panicking, she ran from the hotel, devastated that he saw how low she'd fallen. Meanwhile, James was motionless with shock, and by the time he recovered, she was gone. Not to be deterred, the next morning, he discovered where she lived and went to see her. Their reunion was even more passionate than their teenage relationship had been. The chemistry between them was explosive and undeniable.
I enjoyed watching the rekindling of Chloe and James's relationship. It was sweet, emotional, frustrating, and heartbreaking. In the years since they last saw each other, Chloe took control of her life, determined that no one would ever have the power to tell her what to do or control what she did. James walked away from school and pursued his dream of becoming a chef after a fruitless search for Chloe. He now has a Michelin-starred restaurant, an upcoming book, and a possible television show. James is determined that Chloe will return to London with him and pulls out all the stops to convince her.
Seeing him romance her with sightseeing in Paris, romantic dinners, and fun activities was sweet. Chloe soaks up the time with him, determined to enjoy every minute. But both have issues that create obstacles to their happy ever after. I very quickly wanted to grab James and shake him. He has so many grand plans for them, but he never once stops to discuss them with Chloe. When she tries to protest, he steamrolls past her objections. Chloe has spent years shoring up her confidence and ability to stand on her own two feet, and she isn't about to give up that independence, even for James.
The moment of truth came when Chloe put her foot down and refused to go along with his plans. Harsh words are exchanged when Chloe calls James on his controlling attitude and actions. I felt his shock and anger when she compared him to her father and his hurt that she felt that way. He lashed out with his own accusations, such as telling her she's still letting her father affect her life. I ached for them both as they parted in anger, without knowing if a future together was possible. Each had some self-reflection to do and truths to realize. I loved that James had some help from his sister, Sally, who had no trouble pointing out the error of his ways. I loved Chloe's epiphany and how she handled it. The scene in the lawyer's office was terrific, and I loved seeing her shake loose the final chains of her past.
I loved the ending. I especially enjoyed the changes in James. His arrival in Paris and his reunion with Chloe were emotional and eye-opening for Chloe. Rather than the usual reunion, confession of love, and proposal, James realizes he has some work to do to convince Chloe that he's changed. I loved his plans to do things the right way, and it was sweet to see him stick to them. I loved watching the blossoming of their new relationship. We also see that James and Chloe are at crossroads in their professional and personal lives, and I loved seeing their paths come together. The epilogue was fantastic, and I loved seeing what they did with that new life.
My favorite part of the book was the segment covering their weekend trip to the chateau. It was the one time that James and Chloe were on the same page, and their cooperation and teamwork were fantastic.
I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series. 

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