Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Untamed Warrior's Bride - Michelle Willingham (HH #1708 - Feb 2023)

Series: Legendary Warriors (Book 2)
To claim what should be his…
He must claim her!
Piers of Grevershire might have been born illegitimate, but he'll fight for the land he knows is his. To do so, he must win Lady Gwendoline's hand in marriage! What starts as a secret mission of vengeance soon becomes more as Gwen's unique fire ignites a powerful connection between them. And when they're married, Piers finds earning Gwen's trust means revealing his true identity -- and the betrayal that risks destroying their fledgling bond…

This book is a companion to the first book in the series, The Iron Warrior Returns, taking place mostly concurrently. The first book was about Robert, the legitimate heir to Penrith,  and his fight to regain his lands after the current Earl of Penrith took them. This book is about Piers, Robert's illegitimate half-brother, and his desire to have those same lands.
Lady Gwen is the only child of the current Earl of Penrith, and he is holding a contest to find the best man to marry her and inherit his lands. The earl is a cruel and controlling man who has kept Gwen a virtual prisoner and told her he has already picked her husband, no matter who wins.
Piers decided the best way for him to win, other than winning the contests, is to get to Gwen and convince her he's the only one for her. But Gwen isn't the sheltered miss he thinks she is, and their first encounter stirs a fire in both. Their secret meetings were great, and I especially loved the one where they practiced archery together. But her father figured out something was going on and interfered. Piers is still determined to marry her, and Gwen wants to escape her father's control, so they attempt to run together. Multiple twists throw up obstacles to their intentions, but eventually, they are able to marry.
Piers has serious self-esteem issues due to his birth, lack of acceptance by his father, and his grim childhood. He hasn't told Gwen about his illegitimacy, afraid she will refuse to marry him if she knows. I loved Gwen's strength and determination as she eventually wrested some of his story from him. She's dismayed by the knowledge that he has nothing but is determined to make their marriage work. There is a fantastic section where they show up at one of her father's other properties, where Piers gets a crash course on medieval nobility and how to act like he belongs.
That went quite well, and I loved seeing Piers and Gwen working together to improve conditions. But there is trouble on the horizon, as the earl is on the move and furious at Gwen's foiling of his plans. His actions emphasize his cruelty and egomania. The pair get some surprising news from Robert, but the earl's vow of vengeance means they won't be free to enjoy it while he is determined to take them down. Their final confrontation is a nail-biter, and I loved how it ended.
I enjoyed the parts in common with Robert's books and comparing the events from the two opposing points of view. It was easy to see why Robert and Piers had a strained relationship initially and how events helped them overcome their issues. The epilogue was terrific. 


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