Thursday, June 8, 2023

Colton's Unusual Suspect - Marie Ferrarella (HRS #2215 - Feb 2023)

Series: Coltons of New York (Book 1)
She was being framed for murder and desperate for his protection.
Detective Sean Colton was working another case when he and Orla Roberts discovered her murdered father. With her twin sister's DNA all over the crime scene, Orla has become a suspect and possibly the next victim -- no way was Sean letting her out of his sight. Because even if the law and the public were crying out for justice, she was now his to keep safe…

A good introduction to this series of Colton stories. We first meet Sean Colton, a detective with the NYPD and the oldest of the four Coltons (Sean, Cormac, Liam, and Eva), as he is working on a murder case. We immediately discover that he is a workaholic who, once he gets going on a case, will ignore everything else until he solves it. It has cost him two serious relationships, leading him to swear off them for good. He gets a call from the wife of the man who raised him and his siblings after their parents died, telling him that Humphrey appears to be missing. Sean calls in his siblings to help find out what has happened to him. One thing that comes to light is that if something happens to him, they are supposed to see real estate mogul Rockwell Roberts.
Next, we meet Orla Roberts, one of Rockwell's twin daughters. She is a bodyguard and a black belt self-defense trainer who is very independent and always has been. We see her reminiscing about her twin sister Aimee, who is just the opposite - a narcissist who believes that the world and their father owe her anything she wants. Aimee and her boyfriend were sentenced to prison for the crimes they committed but have recently escaped. Orla knows Aimee will come after her and their father and immediately heads for his apartment to protect him. Unfortunately, she is too late.
Orla and Sean encounter each other in the lobby of the apartment building and go up to the apartment together. There they discover the murdered man's body. Though initially suspicious of her, Sean quickly realizes that Orla could not have killed her father and listens to what she has to say about Aimee. He also stands up for her to his captain, who wants to arrest Orla. When Orla is nearly run down by a speeding car, Sean makes himself her protector. They also work together to track down Aimee and Joe, with Orla suggesting being bait to draw her out.
Neither Sean nor Orla expected the attraction that flared between them, and neither expected anything other than living in the moment. Both are surprised at the feelings that grow between them. But Orla is afraid of the pain that could come from risking her heart, so she pushes Sean away. It takes her a while to realize the mistake she made. On the other hand, Sean has finally found someone he's willing to commit to. I ached for him when Orla walked away from what they could have together and understood his cautiousness when she showed up to tell him she'd changed. I liked seeing them come together at the end and look forward to seeing more of them in later books.
The story's suspense was well done and focused mainly on the search for Aimee. I was invested in the story as Sean and Orla went back and forth on the best way to bring her to justice. As the story progressed, I felt like I was just waiting for Aimee to pop around some corner and start shooting. While the confrontation between Orla and Aimee was intense, it didn't go as I expected it to. In the end, the resolution felt anti-climactic after all of the buildup.
The search for Humphrey is mainly in the background during this book. With Sean involved in helping Orla, he has passed most of the investigative work to his siblings. I suspect this search will play out over several books, if not the entire series. I am curious about what is happening, and I will continue to read the series. 

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