Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Second Time's the Charm - Brenda Jackson (HD #2953 - July 2023)

Series; Westmoreland Legacy: The Outlaws (Book 6)
Is this seduction scheme for revenge…or a second chance?
Part-time rancher and world-renowned musician Dylan Emanuel never forgot his college romance with Charm Outlaw. Nor the pain of their sudden breakup -- and her father's demands to stay away. So when they cross paths on vacation, Dylan can't resist inviting her to his ranch -- and Charm can't resist a little seductive payback. But soon she's caught by her own desire. Will revenge lead to a second chance…or the truth about what really happened the first time around?

Good conclusion to the series. Charm is the last of the Westmoreland Outlaw siblings and the only girl. She is wealthy, beautiful, and more than a little spoiled by her father. The story opens as Charm is in Cancun for a friend's wedding. There she spots a face from her past that brings back many good and bad memories. She and Dylan had met ten years earlier and fallen in love. But Charm was sixteen to Dylan's eighteen, and her father disapproved. Despite Bart's order to stop seeing each other, Charm and Dylan continued to see each other secretly for the next two years. Then they had a traumatic/dramatic breakup and haven't seen each other since then.
After his breakup with Charm, Dylan became an internationally acclaimed jazz musician. It's been a good life, but he's been wary of trusting his heart to another woman. He's shocked to see Charm and surprised she still stirs his feelings. Though he doesn't intend to restart their relationship, he'd like the chance to clear the air and find closure.
Charm reminded me too much of her father at this point. A ruthless businessman and dictatorial father, he's only recently started to change his ways. When Dylan comes to Charm and suggests they go out, she's ready to accept - and plots her revenge for their breakup. Charm stubbornly sticks to her plans even when her friends try to talk her out of it. Her old feelings for him come back to life as she and Dylan spend time together. I liked their time together and seeing their connection deepen and grow. I loved Dylan and seeing how he embraced his renewed love for Charm. Charm continued to rub me the wrong way as her conscience and feelings for Dylan warred with that need for revenge. I wanted to shake her when she carried out her plan and ached for Dylan and his feelings of betrayal.
I had little sympathy for Charm and her misery over leaving Dylan. She brought it entirely on herself with her actions. Dylan wouldn't let her get away without an explanation this time, and he quickly showed up to confront her. The sparks flew as their hurt and anger over their past breakup boiled over, with both shocked to discover the truth behind what happened. I never could figure out how they hadn't realized the truth at the time. But this time, the damage is done by Charm, who couldn't let go of the past, and threw away what could have been a great future.
I loved Charm's confrontation with her father and her realization of how badly she'd behaved. Bart surprised me with his reaction and what he did afterward. Both Dylan and Charm must find a way to overcome the hurt and bitterness of the past if they want to have a future together. Dylan won my heart with his big moment at the end. It was sweet and romantic. I would have liked to see more repentance on Charm's part - I thought she got off relatively easily.

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