Tuesday, November 28, 2023

An Unlikely Match for the Governess - Lauri Robinson (HH #1765 - Dec 2023)

The most unlikely match…
might be the best fit!
After the young twins she cares for are orphaned, their governess, Aislinn, will do anything to stay with them. So when their maverick uncle -- aristocrat turned rancher -- Luke returns to England determined to gain guardianship, she proposes a convenient marriage! As an unexpected connection develops between them, Aislinn begins to long for a real future with Luke. But his home is in Montana… Could it be hers, too?

Terrific book about two people who come together to care for a pair of orphaned children. I loved seeing Luke and Aislinn bond over their love for Fern and Ivy and slowly fall in love.
Aislinn has been caring for children almost her entire life. Orphaned when she was eight, she was too old to be adopted, so she was put to work caring for the younger children. As she got older, she trained to be a governess, and the Duke and Duchess of Havenbrook hired her to care for their twin daughters. She was happy working for them and devastated when both died of food poisoning. The duke's next youngest brother inherited the title. Percy and his wife are not nice people and quickly force Aislinn out of her job. The way they booted her out with nothing was cruel. While walking off the estate, Aislinn encounters Luke Carlisle, the youngest brother.
Luke left home at eighteen, disgusted with the aristocratic lifestyle. Luke always had an acute case of wanderlust and spent the intervening years traveling around America. He has settled in Montana, where he owns a cattle ranch. Luke was distressed to hear of his brother's death and hurried back to England to fulfill Rowland's request - to become the guardian of Fern and Ivy. He is not looking forward to dealing with Percy. On his way to the manor house, he is surprised to encounter the young woman who was his nieces' governess.
I liked the first meeting between Luke and Aislinn. Luke is a gentleman to the bone, and his protective instincts are aroused when he hears her story. With quick thinking, he hires Aislinn to resume her job as the girls' governess, this time working for him. She's a little wary but is equally protective of Fern and Ivy, so she agrees. Their arrival at the manor house caused quite a scene, but Percy couldn't do anything about it. Though Luke thought the guardianship issue was a done deal, Percy creates doubt in his mind. Luke packs up the girls and Aislinn and heads to London to deal with the problems.
I liked how Luke enlisted Aislinn to be his partner in handling the problems that arose. When they visit the lawyer's office and discover the doubts Percy has raised about Luke's fitness as guardian, Luke is at a loss for how to counteract them. Aislinn states that she and Luke are planning to marry, making Luke's single status a moot point. Luke is stunned by the statement, as he has no plans to marry. But after thinking about it, Luke agrees it is a good plan. It also allows him to leave Aislinn and the girls in England while he returns to Montana. He believes they are better off in England rather than the harsh conditions of Montana.
I enjoyed watching the relationship between Luke and Aislinn develop. To sell their marriage to the courts, they must appear like a couple in love, which entails attending many social events. Neither is happy about that because they detest the superficiality of society events. Luke believes that he must give up his life in Montana, which increases his stress and unhappiness. Aislinn sees his misery and wants him to be happy, so she pushes him toward leaving as soon as his guardianship is secured. The more time they spend together, the closer they become, and the sparks of attraction they experience grow stronger. Giving in deepens their connection but complicates their plans.
Just as those deepening feelings look like they will bring Luke and Aislinn to the happy future they both want, outside interference drives them apart. Luke says some hurtful things to Aislinn before leaving for Montana. I loved seeing Aislinn pull herself together and investigate what Luke accused her of. Once she had the truth, she took action. I loved the ending and seeing how she went after what she wanted. Luke's reaction was hilarious as Aislinn made a place for herself and the girls in his home and his heart. The epilogue was great and contained a couple of surprises. 

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