Monday, November 13, 2023

Luck of the Lyon - Belle Ami (Dragonblade - Nov 2023)

Series: Lyon's Den (Book 48)
He doesn’t believe in love at first sight…
Phillip Villiers, a Cavalry officer who recently returned from the Napoleonic Wars, considers himself lucky he only lost an eye in battle, unlike many of his friends who lost so much more. Contemplating what to do with the rest of his life, Phillip is shocked to learn he’s inherited the title and estate of the late Duke of Buckingham, who passed away a year ago. Expecting the late duke’s widow to be an amiable and sedate elderly woman, Phillip is doubly shocked to discover the Duchess of Buckingham is young, beautiful, and the most vibrant woman he’s ever met.
She doesn’t believe in happily ever after…
Duchess Sarah Villiers, a widow of one year, considers herself a practical person, especially regarding life’s ups and downs. Coping with her new status, she’s determined to be supportive and welcoming of the new Duke of Buckingham, and that includes teaching him everything there is to know about managing a large and complex estate. Having no expectations about the new duke, Sarah is shocked to discover Phillip Villiers is charming, handsome, and the most compelling man she’s ever met.
An impossible situation or a tempting challenge…
As Phillip and Sarah work closely together managing the estate, they fight against a mutual attraction and struggle with their growing feelings. Society would never condone the widow of a duke marrying the heir. It could cause a scandal that could ruin the reputation of the entire Villiers family. Completely impossible! But sometimes the impossible is the greatest challenge of all to the most notorious matchmaker in London. Mrs. Dove-Lyon, the Black Widow of Whitehall and doyenne of the London gambling world, always has a card or two up her sleeve when it comes to true love.

Good story with minimal involvement of Mrs. Dove-Lyons and the Lyon's Den. The story opens after the funeral of the late Duke of Buckingham, as the Duke's daughters and his second wife, Sarah, console each other. Sarah's backstory is sad, having been orphaned and left destitute by her father's bad choices. However, his friend, the Duke, took her in and eventually married her. It was a marriage of convenience initially, but Sarah and the Duke grew to love and respect each other. Hen ensured that, upon his death, Sarah would be financially secure. He also stipulated that she remain at the estate to continue managing it and to instruct the new duke.
Phillip was a veteran of the Napoleonic Wars, where he served as a cavalry officer and did other special assignments. After being injured, including losing an eye, he was discharged from the army. Without the military, Phillip is at a loss about what to do with the rest of his life. With little to his name and no apparent prospects, Phillip spends some of his time at the Lyon's Den gambling. He's stunned one evening when he comes home and finds his uncle's solicitor waiting for him, informing him that he is the new Duke of Buckingham. His father had caused a rift with his uncle, and Phillip had no idea he was the heir. He is grateful to learn that his uncle's widow will help him settle into his new role.
I loved the first meeting between Sarah and Phillip. He expects an older, motherly woman and, instead, gets a young, vibrant, and beautiful one. She stirs up sparks of attraction that he works hard to subdue. Likewise, Sarah thinks about the good-looking new duke far more than she is comfortable with. Each does their best to ignore the attraction over the next several months as they develop a deep friendship working together on estate matters. Then cards arrive, inviting them and Sarah's unmarried stepdaughter, Lizzie, to Mrs. Dove-Lyons's birthday ball.
The sparks of attraction flare up during the ball. Sarah, aware that society would not approve of a relationship between her and Phillip, decides to seek a new husband and a future for herself. She insists that Phillip seek a bride and secure his future and the ducal line. Phillip isn't interested in some vapid debutante and doesn't care about society's opinion. His unhappiness at Sarah's plan is evident as he watches Sarah dance with other men.
Things become more complicated when she discovers a letter from her father to the late duke. The contents stir Sarah's insecurities and add impetus to her need to escape her feelings for Phillip. I was irritated by Sarah's reaction and how she used it as a further barrier between her and Phillip. I liked Phillip's determination to break through her objections. A disaster at the estate brings them together to deal with it, but a near tragedy almost parts them forever. I felt Phillip's fear for Sarah. I loved his emotional declaration and wanted to shake Sarah for her stubbornness. Thank goodness for his persistence. I loved seeing her finally let go of her fears and believe in the possibility of a future together. The ending was terrific, and the epilogue was sweet.
There was a brief foray into a secondary romance between Sarah's stepdaughter, Lizzie, and Phillip's friend, Lucien. Their whole story is told in the anthology Night of the Lyons, in the tale Unmasked by the Lyon. 

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