Friday, November 10, 2023

The Lyon's Redemption - Sandra Sookoo (Dragonblade - Nov 2023)

Series: Lyon's Den (Book 47)
In need of redemption… Thomas Prestwick, Viscount of Ashbury, has left the thought of love and romance behind. Never again will he allow himself that vulnerability and has, instead, kept himself busy with various vices every fine gentleman of the beau monde indulges in. If only he’d stayed away from the tables at the famed Lyon’s Den gaming hell that night, he might not have been caught up in fate’s unfortunate web, which brought him face-to-face with the past.
In want of vengeance…Miss Olivia Rose Jameson wants nothing to do with men—whether related to her or not. With her parents dead and her worthless brother losing everything of value at the gambling tables, she’s incensed when her hand is bartered for his freedom. That complication will not help her cause of having revenge on the man who killed her best friend, until chance matches her with the object of her ire.
Forgiveness has a way of changing everything… With no choice but to wed at the order of the mysterious Mrs. Dove-Lyon, the pair ushers in the Christmastide season as a married couple. No matter that Ashbury’s heart is locked away and Olivia wishes to carve it from his chest, more than compassion and secrets are shared between the enemies-to-lovers one snowy evening in the viscount’s library. As desire gives way to romance, fate once more intervenes. For one terrible night, everything hangs in the balance, and nothing short of a miracle—or love—can save them.
Because doesn’t the house—and Mrs. Dove-Lyon—always win?

Good book with a different setup than other books from this series. Thomas was the winner, not the loser, in his game of chance, and Olivia was not looking for a husband of any kind, which is the opposite of most of Mrs. Dove-Lyons' matches.
Thomas is a man who has been mired in grief for seven years after his forbidden love died in childbirth. He has closed off his heart to any thought of love or romance. The Christmas season is the hardest, and to cope, he accompanies a friend to the Lyon's Den for an evening of gambling. But things take an unexpected turn when his opponent cannot pay his debt. Thomas doesn't want to marry, but if he doesn't, Mrs. Dove-Lyons threatens to reveal his closely guarded secret.
Conor Jameson foolishly wagered more than he could afford, and when the time came to pay, he offered his sister Olivia's hand in marriage. A consultation with Mrs. Dove-Lyons confirms the offer is legitimate. Conor doesn't look forward to telling Olivia, who has no interest in marriage either. She gives in to save her brother from debtor's prison. Olivia has spent years grieving the death of her best friend. When she learns that her groom-to-be is the man she holds responsible for Cynthia's death, she plots her revenge.
Olivia and Thomas enter this marriage with great anger and reluctance. I laughed out loud at the description of their wedding vows, vividly describing their feelings about the event. Things came to a head on their wedding night when Olivia attempted to stab him, and words were exchanged. The next morning, they confronted each other over her need for revenge. I ached for Thomas as he was forced to recount what happened to his beloved Cynthia. I also hurt for Olivia, who discovered her reasons were based on a misunderstanding of what happened. I liked seeing them acknowledge that each has some healing to do before they can expect a successful marriage. They decide to call a truce and continue in a marriage-in-name-only relationship while they get to know each other.
Neither expected the explosive chemistry between them. Olivia is no innocent virginal bride, and Thomas can't resist the sparks that fly between them. It isn't long before they can't keep their hands off each other, but what does that do to their attempts to get past the tragedies of the past? I liked seeing them learn to communicate with each other, slowly opening up about those things that have made them who they are. Their growing trust in each other made each revelation a little easier. My heart broke for Thomas when he told Olivia about Sally and his pain and guilt. Olivia, too, has a heartbreak to share with Thomas.
Though each has realized the depth of their feelings, both are wary of confessing them, fearing rejection. Just as both are ready to take a chance, a thoughtless comment and the harsh words lead to nearly result in tragedy. Of course, all ends well, as Thomas and Olivia finally break free of the chains that kept them tied to the past. I loved the epilogue and seeing what they've made of their lives. I also appreciated their realization that it takes work to make a successful relationship.
I liked the secondary characters of the Earl and Countess of Pennington, whose story I must read soon. I liked how Olivia and Lady Pennington connected and the advice she had for Olivia. I also liked Thomas's friend, Simon, and I hope he gets his story, too.

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