Thursday, November 30, 2023

Marry and Bright - Teri Wilson (HSE #3021 - Dec 2023)

Series: Love Unveiled (Book 3)
Mixing business with weddings
Both up for the editor-in-chief position at Veil magazine, Addison England and Carter Payne are fierce adversaries. But despite their bickering, the pair has to work together and prove themselves before the magazine's Christmas deadline. Stepping in to pose as the bride and groom for a wedding shoot starts the unexpected change from rivalry to romance…until they discover the “fake” vow exchange was entirely legal. Now the newlyweds have to decide if power really is their ultimate endgame.

Terrific conclusion to the series. Addison has been working her tail off for years to earn the editor-in-chief job when her boss, Colette, retires. She's so close now she can practically taste it. So, imagine her shock when Colette's nephew, Carter, shows up in New York, also ready to take the helm. Carter is also stunned, as he had been promised the job years earlier.
I definitely got the impression that Colette had ulterior motives for setting up a competition between Addison and Carter. They start with sharing an office, which grinds on their nerves. They are given competing assignments, which Colette will judge. It was fun to see how much alike Addison and Carter were, with their laser-like focus on work, lack of social lives, and disinterest in romantic relationships, though neither could see it at first. Underneath the antagonism were sparks of attraction that they tried to ignore.
I loved watching their relationship develop. They got off to a rough start with an awkward meeting that set the stage for some of Addison's anger at Carter. But as the days passed, Addison couldn't deny that Carter was good at his job. I had a good chuckle at Carter's bemusement over his attraction to her, and at the same time, he was trying to beat her for the job. Addison also tried denying it to herself and others. I liked watching their antagonism turn more towards teasing and snark as they grew to appreciate each other's abilities.
As the competition deadline grew closer, Carter and Addison had one more hurdle to overcome - whose idea would come out on top for the magazine's main spread? Both had fantastic visions, and it was easy to see how each idea was a winner. I liked how Collette had both follow through with their ideas. It was heartwarming to see how Addison helped Carter with his. But things get complicated when he shows up the next day to help with her photo shoot. Thanks to a blizzard, he and Addison have to become the models. The effect on each of them was undeniable, and it became harder to resist their growing feelings. Trapped together by the weather, they give in.
Imagine their shock when they discover that the fake wedding ceremony they went through for the photo shoot was all too real. Now, they are faced with the dilemma of whether to stay married. What effect will Colette's decision have on that question? I did not see Colette's plan coming, though Addison's reaction didn't surprise me. The twists and turns of the final resolution were fun to follow and were the perfect ending.
The secondary characters were terrific. Addison's besties, Daphne and Everly, were fantastic in their support roles. I loved how they were TeamAddison all the way, though that didn't stop them from commenting on Carter's looks and abilities. They could see what was happening before she did and had no trouble pointing it out. I laughed out loud when Everly gave Sabrina the dog to Addison. Despite Addison's insistence that she wouldn't keep her, it was easy to see the writing on the wall. It was hilarious to see Sabrina's reaction to Carter. I liked getting to know Colette a little better and seeing a more personal side of her. My favorite secondary character was Joe, the man at the marriage license bureau. His commentary was great, and I'm pretty sure he played a significant role in their fake marriage that wasn't fake. 

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