Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Prince's Safari Temptation - Nina Singh (HR #4872 - Oct 2023)

A royal tour…A real enticement!
When Crown Prince Dante is unexpectedly thrown together on a royal tour in southern Africa with childhood friend Sierra, unanticipated sparks ignite while they're on safari. At the risk of ruining their friendship, Dante knows he cannot reveal how he really feels. But with Sierra dazzling everyone she meets, Dante soon realizes she could be the perfect royal consort… Will they risk it all and finally give in to their temptation?

Good second chance romance in a fascinating location. The descriptions of the environment and wildlife were so vivid that I felt like I was experiencing it along with Sierra and Dante. I especially enjoyed their reactions to the leopards and the lions.
Dante, Sierra, and Dante's late wife, Rula, were best friends growing up. But Rula's ambitious parents planted the idea of being a queen in her mind early in her life. So she spent her childhood and teen years doing everything possible to prepare for that life, with marriage to Dante as her end goal. Meanwhile, Dante and Sierra's friendship deepened, though neither said anything about their feelings to the other. In the end, Dante's parents encouraged him to marry Rula, but the marriage was not happy. Then, two years ago, Rula was killed in a car accident, and Dante has been eaten with guilt ever since.
The story opens as Dante's mother tasks him with going on a special trip as a replacement for her and the king, who is ill. He is content with the idea until the queen hits him with her plan that he is accompanied by a fellow citizen who can be his partner for ceremonies and activities. Dante is stunned when she selects Sierra, whom he hasn't seen since Rula's funeral. Because Sierra was always at the back of his mind, even during his marriage, just the thought of spending time with her ramps up his guilt.
Sierra is shocked at the idea of accompanying Dante and refuses his initial request. She is well aware of her feelings for him and feels the risk to her heart is not worth it. But she changes her mind when she learns the reason behind the request.
I enjoyed watching the relationship between Dante and Sierra develop. Their initial awkwardness with each other begins to fade as they attempt to resurrect their friendship. But matters quickly become complicated as their buried feelings resurface. Each fights those feelings. Dante is still consumed with guilt over what he sees as his failure as a husband, which causes him to resist the idea of marrying again. Sierra compares herself to Rula and comes up short, believing that she could never be the type of wife Dante needs. A night stranded in the wilderness brings their attraction to a head. But the past and insecurities keep them apart, and they go their separate ways.
Fate isn't done with them and brings them back together for a wedding. Sierra's tension was evident, as was Dante's hopefulness. I wanted to shake them both as Dante flubs around expressing his feelings, and Sierra allows her insecurities to keep her from following her heart. It takes a surprise discovery to open her eyes and put the past to rest. The ending was emotional, and the epilogue was great. 

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